Fire Safety Checks
Since the tragedy that occurred at Grenfell Tower, there have been major official enquiries into the circumstances surrounding it and how they can look to prevent and reduce the risk if such a tragedy occurring again.
The conclusion of the official enquiry is that the regulation standards have now changed which are now incorporated as an act of parliament and as such, needs to be complied with as a matter of law.
We have attached a schedule of information detailing the changes which is referred to as The Fire Safety Regulations 2022 which have recently come into force. The act now statutory require lift owners & duty holders/managers to undertake these inspections in any high-rise residential building (this means anything that is over 7 storeys, 18 meters in height or 2 residences.
In short, inspections/fire safety checks must be carried out on all firefighter or evacuation lift on a monthly basis with subsequent reporting and documentation after this inspection. The procedure for the inspections and subsequent reporting (including failure of equipment) is detailed in the attached documentation with this letter.
For those that have monthly servicing with us, we can upgrade your servicing agreement to include these inspections on the end of your services. For those who don’t have monthly servicing with us, we are able to provide you a separate agreement to cover just the fire safety inspections if required.
It must be noted that we will likely need to arrange access to the lift shaft and/or the machine room for the testing/inspection of smoke detector with your fire alarm provider. Which can be co-ordinated at the same time.
Subsequent to these inspections, there may be need for additional supplementary testing of generators, evac units as requested by the designated competent persons (generally the insurance inspector) for the purpose of your LOLER report, of which a separate contract can be provided to cover such extra inspections to the existing service agreement.
Further information
Should you require any further information regarding the above or the attached documentation, please don’t hesitate to contact us on , or alternatively your local fire brigade/officers.